A Gentleman’s Gift Giving Guide


Obviously, my blog is usually geared toward women, but not today. Today, I want to help the male species give good gifts (say that 3 times fast).

Men; giving your significant other a thoughtful is crucial to your happiness. I’m talking less bitching, more football, pass on forgetting the garbage, possibly even sex. Ya’ll need to get your gift game tight. OK?

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Pick My Dress, PLEASE

Happy Sunday Everyone!

I promised myself I’m going to be on top of the holiday season this year. I’m sure that’s going to last a whole two days, but whatever, I’m trying.

So what’s worse than dress shopping during the holidays? I’ll wait ……..

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Evil Easter Bunny

So basically you have kids, and holidays completely change. You are no longer leisurely shopping. Planning which house to hit, and which to skip, in order to obtain the perfect holiday meal. You become a complete psycho in hopes of creating magical memories for your offspring. Let me tell you how Easter this year was a total “Mom Fail”.


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