Fa – La – La – Losing My Mind

This is my first year with one kid in grade school and one in pre-school. I knew this year was going to be a bit of a juggling act, especially since I put the girls in schools 20 mins away from each other. I thought that was going to be my greatest challenge this year, boy was I wrong.

Can we just talk about the extra stuff? You know the non-educational “special” events and “extras”. The spirit days, and the fun runs, and crazy sock day. I’m not super old, OK. We had that stuff when I was in school. It occurred once a year, and it was fun. I consider myself a pretty involved parent, and I like all the fun little programs, but this shit has become a full-time job. Continue reading


So if you know me personally you know I hate asking for help. I’m really stubborn, and I’m an animal lover. This post pretty much culminates all three of those things. I’m asking you guys to help me save these three dogs, because I refuse to give up on them.

Here’s the story…

For those of you who don’t already know, 3 puppies were dumped in my neighborhood on Thanksgiving evening. They found their way to my house Friday morning. Of course my dad just happened to be standing outside, and saw them almost get hit by a car. At the time we assumed that someone’s pets had gotten loose. The dogs spent the rest of the day in my backyard, and I spent the rest of the day trying to find their home. Finally someone on my neighborhood website told me that they had seen the dogs being dumped at the church up the road late Thursday evening. Mystery solved.

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1st Day of Preschool Blues

My Dear Eva Diva

I thought sending your sister to kindergarten was hard, but wow. This is my hardest day. O my little baby. From the second I found out you were in my belly until today, I’ve been with you, protecting you. I’ve been crying over you. I’ve been in love with you. I thank god for our rough road. If it hadn’t of been so rough, who knows what our bond would look like. But it was, and you were the baby I almost lost. You are my miracle, you are my fighter. You are my Eva Diva. You are the girl I prayed harder for than I have ever prayed in my life. You are my perfect blue-eyed angel meant to change me forever, and you did, and you still do. Continue reading


I’m writing this blog today because over the past couple weeks a few of my friends have fallen victim to some big mouth mistakes. I’m calling them mistakes because I don’t believe people are trying to be offensive when they say some of the dumb shit that they say. So, I thought maybe we could all use a refresher course on how to not be an asshole.

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#1. Mind your own uterus. Do not congratulate someone on their pregnancy unless you know for sure they are pregnant. Instances when you know for sure; they have announced their pregnancy or the baby is crowning. Continue reading

Gifts that don’t suck

The holiday season can be so daunting when it comes to gift giving. I like to give thoughtful gifts, but also something that is useful. Most of the gifts here are things friends and family have given me throughout the years. Verified awesome stuff that didn’t go to the back of my closet and die. So here we go.


YETI– When my husband told me he was going to spend $30 on a travel mug, I damn near lost my mind. However, I was dead wrong. YETI is amazing at keeping things cold or hot, totally worth it. This is an awesome gift because lots of people won’t splurge on something like this for themselves, but they will love it. The Yeti Rambler is my personal favorite. Perfect for the coffee addict in your life.



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A Letter to my First Born Child

My Dear Olive,

I was 26 and not married when I found out I was going to be your mom. I must have taken 100 pregnancy tests before I believed you were true. Your daddy was excited right away, and I thought he must be crazy. What a huge responsibility had been gifted to us and I was worried. I’m just being honest here, I was scared shit-less!


The first time I saw your little heart beat on the ultrasound screen is the last time I ever felt alone. As you grew in my belly, I talked to you all the time. People would remark on how often I held my belly. It was some weird instinct so you would know I was there. All of the hormones and emotions were overwhelming. The most overwhelming feeling was love.

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The Weight Loss Conspiracy

I have a confession to make. I’ve been a little obsessed with my diet and weight loss lately. No matter what I seem to do, this last 10lbs of baby weight won’t come off. OK, so I should probably stop calling it baby weight, since my baby will be 3 this winter. Whatever it is, it’s driving me nuts and pissing me off. Just to add insult to injury, there is no good logic here. I’m an active person. I don’t eat like shit (mostly). I drink like 3 gallons of water a day. What the hell you guys? I know I’m not alone in this boat, and that helps, but really what gives? I got to thinking about it, and I think I have figured it out. Follow me here ladies;


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My Day at Chemo

So, a quick back story to a whole lot of history. I met my friend Leea at work, a department store. We had mutual friends, but didn’t become close until my computer illiteracy took over.  I needed help making a sale sign. We started talking that day 10 years ago, and haven’t shut up since.

Leea was diagnosed with breast cancer just after I gave birth to my second daughter. Being only a few years older than myself, this was shocking, to say the least. I feel like the news didn’t even sink in before Leea, the eternal optimist, was assuring everyone, that this was going to be OK. I mean, she hit cancer, and chemo, and the whole deal, head on. We have had some very candid conversations, and she never lost faith. Even on the worst of days she stayed positive.

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