I’m raising women here, OK?


When I found out our first baby was a girl, I was thrilled. After almost two years of girl life, I wasn’t ready for that to be over. I silently hoped our second little bundle was a girl as well. Nothing made me happier than finding out I was going to be a girl mom again. Sure, I’ve had scary thoughts of teenage life with these two sweeties, but nothing could damper my happiness of raising girls. WRONG! O how wrong I was!

It’s not the drama, the attitude, the whining and crying. It’s the other girls. Apparently, we now live in some alternative universe where “mean girls” start in pre-school. Now, I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck. I was prepared to counsel my girls through middle and high school bullying. BUT pre-school, are you F’ing kidding me? This isn’t going to be the post where I rant and rave about my daughter’s experiences with “mean girls”. This is the post where I make sure my daughter doesn’t turn into one.

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Holiday WINE down

It’s the holiday season, which basically means booze season. Now that we are adults, (well most of us) a handle of Captain Morgan is just not an appropriate take along gift. Whether you are hosting the party or a guest, some basic wine knowledge is helpful. We have all been there, standing in the liquor store, looking like a deer in headlights, wasting valuable drinking time, in attempt to find the perfect bottle of wine. Let me help you.

Image result for wine glasses

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Political Rampage Part-3

As the third segment of my political rampage, I would like to start by saying; I truly don’t give a shit who you vote for tomorrow.

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Pick My Dress, PLEASE

Happy Sunday Everyone!

I promised myself I’m going to be on top of the holiday season this year. I’m sure that’s going to last a whole two days, but whatever, I’m trying.

So what’s worse than dress shopping during the holidays? I’ll wait ……..

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Who gives a shit about Decorative Pillows?


I just need to vent about a few things really quick. I’m sure some of you guys can relate and some of you have much bigger problems, so my apologies in advance.

-First of all, my almost 4-year-old has been in pre-school for a full month now. That means for an entire month at least one person in my house has been sick at all times. There has yet to be one day when I don’t get snot smeared on my shirt.

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when I dip, you dip, we dip

OK, anyone who didn’t get my reference to “da dip” by Freak Nasty, is missing a really good play on words.

Anyways, that’s irrelevant and so is Freak Nasty.

As far appetizers or snacks go, I’m obsessed with dips! These are a few of my absolute favs. They are easy, quick and always a WIN.


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